by David Charlesworth

A Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) provides a framework for organisations to support the national reconciliation movement.  It includes practical actions that will drive an organisation’s contribution to reconciliation both internally and in the communities in which it operates.

There are four RAP types Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and Elevate.

  • A Reflect RAP clearly sets out the steps you should take to prepare your organisation for reconciliation initiatives in successive RAPs. 
  • An Innovate RAP outlines actions that work towards achieving your organisation’s unique vision for reconciliation. Commitments within this RAP allow your organisation to be aspirational and innovative in order to help your organisation to gain a deeper understanding of its sphere of influence, and establish the best approach to advance reconciliation.
  • A Stretch RAP is best suited to organisations that have developed strategies, and established a strong approach towards advancing reconciliation internally and within the organisation’s sphere of influence. This type of RAP is focused on implementing longer-term strategies, and working towards defined measurable targets and goals. The Stretch RAP requires organisations to embed reconciliation initiatives into business strategies to become ‘business as usual’.
  • An Elevate RAP is for organisations that have a proven track record of embedding effective RAP initiatives in their organisation through their Stretch RAPs and are ready to take on a leadership position to advance national reconciliation. Elevate RAP organisations have a strong strategic relationship with Reconciliation Australia and actively champion initiatives to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and create societal change. 

With the assistance of external consultants and the development of our RAP committee, we were able to release our Reflect RAP in May of 2017.  We are now ready to move to an Innovate RAP.

Our Innovate RAP is our lead in to achieving our reconciliation vision and was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia and released in May 2020.  Our Innovate RAP is available on the Reconciliation Australia website or can be viewed here.  You can view our Reflect RAP here.

Successes from our Reflect RAP that have been reported to Reconciliation Australia include:

  • Employment of our first aboriginal cadet
  • The sponsorship of the Barunga Festival in the NT.  This has proven to be particularly successful in allowing our staff members to immerse themselves even if only for a short time in an environment of music, dance, sport and culture that otherwise they may not have considered.  The success of the program is evident by the number of Lee Green attendees which has grown from 2 in 2016 to 6 in 2017 and 9 in 2018.
  • We have developed our relationships further with our indigenous clients and service providers
  • Sponsorship of the Koonibba Mission Netball Club – one of our former RAP committee members has been playing there.
  • Two of our RAP committee members attended the National Reconciliation Action Plan Conference in Melbourne in early December 2018 to gain further insights and understanding from our fellow RAP organisations. This will prove invaluable in assisting the development of our Innovate RAP.
  • Garma Festival attendees
  • We are committed to the next round of Cultural Awareness Training for staff members who have joined us since our first training session.
  • We as a whole at Lee Green are much more aware of programs and conferences as well as Festivals and cultural events that our staff can attend and develop from

For more information on Reconciliation Action Plans, see the Reconciliation Australia website

Below is a photo from the 2018 National Reconciliation Plan Conference at Richmond Football Club in Melbourne, attended by Lee Green’s David Charlesworth.  You can see photos and a wrap up from the 2019 conference here

RAP conference1


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