
Lee Green was represented at the 2017 Garma Festival by Mike Levy as part of the David Liddiard Group contingent. The Garma Festival is held annually in north east Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.  The festival aims to share knowledge and culture as well as develop economic opportunities for the Yolngu people of Arnhem Land. Like the Barunga Festival also recently attended by Lee Green, the Garma Festival is brilliantly organised and an opportunity to be immersed in and embrace Aboriginal culture. Additionally, the Garma Festival provides an opportunity for two-way discussions and exchanges of ideas, with the theme of the 2017 Festival being "Makarrata – Settling our differences" (refer to the link for a deeper understanding of Makarrata). The presence of the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader provided additional weight to the discussions.  Sessions from the Festival are available to be seen on SBS on demand.

In addition to the political aspect of the Garma Festival, the 2,500 attendees witnessed mesmerising performances of traditional dance every evening, an array of talented musicians, (with one of the many highlights being Neil Murray and friends performing the hits of the Warumpi Band) as well as an evening with the Aboriginal Comedy All-stars. For anyone that is fortunate enough to get an opportunity to attend the Garma Festival, it is a special event that shouldn't be missed.

20170804 090046Colourful Garma Festival Tshirts


The beautiful countryside where the festival is heldThe beautiful countryside where the festival is held


Garma festival performanceGarma festival performance


Tent accommodation at the Garma FestivalTent accommodation at the Garma Festival


See the link for more photos from the festival                                                                                        



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