• Accountant
  • Bachelor of Commerce, Diploma of Languages (French), CA (in progress)
Creating order from chaos with a trusty to-do list, a cup of coffee, and sound methodology is Matt’s specialty. You will find Matt focusing a great deal of his time on large-scale projects which require a significant amount of analysis. Otherwise, Matt will be keeping up to date on client’s affairs either with timely phone calls or emails, or preferably meeting with them to better understand how he can help. Matt’s ability to keep his clients on track is a byproduct of his superb organisational skills and the satisfaction he gets from his accounting work. Proficient in conversational French, Matt is a man of many talents.


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The Lee Green team has services, expertise and experience to help you make the right financial decisions for you or your business.

T: (08) 8333 3666
F: (08) 8333 0666

South Australia:
190 Fullarton Rd, Dulwich SA 5065

Northern Territory:
Level 1, 66 Smith St, Darwin NT 0800

Postal Address:
PO Box 218, Kent Town SA 5071


Lee Green & Co Pty Ltd
ACN: 008 215 094 ABN: 76 008 215 094

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation


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