It’s the flexibility and easy-going nature of her accounting work that Desley enjoys the most.
A typical day might see Desley prepare tax returns and financial reports or complete the auditing of records for her varied clientele base.
It’s the flexibility and easy-going nature of her accounting work that Desley enjoys the most.
A typical day might see Desley prepare tax returns and financial reports or complete the auditing of records for her varied clientele base.
Senior SMSF Auditor
Senior Accountant
Graduate Auditor
Corporate Secretarial Officer
Executive Assistant to the Directors
Undergraduate Accountant
Audit Manager
Associate Director
Manager – Superannuation Services
Client Services
Associate Director
By Yvette Goss, Accountant and Superannuation Specialist. As 30th June draws closer, it is a great time to get up to date on what the superannuation landscape will look like from...
Read moreThe revised stage 3 tax cuts have recently passed the senate (27th February 2024) and will be implemented from 1 July 2024.
Read moreBy Leah Groves, Program Manager for Interns, Graduates & Undergraduates. In a world where many industries are facing staffing challenges, internships can offer a time-tested solution, giving students invaluable real-world experience while...
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The Lee Green team has services, expertise and experience to help you make the right financial decisions for you or your business.
T: (08) 8333 3666
F: (08) 8333 0666
South Australia:
190 Fullarton Rd, Dulwich SA 5065
Northern Territory:
Level 1, 66 Smith St, Darwin NT 0800
Postal Address:
PO Box 218, Kent Town SA 5071
Lee Green & Co Pty Ltd
ACN: 008 215 094 ABN: 76 008 215 094
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation